We Are Here For You

We are a ‘Group’ of Obstetricians and Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) dedicated to walking with you on your path to Motherhood. We specialize in pre pregnancy planning, normal and high risk pregnancies, postpartum care, and so much more!

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At The Group, we want you to know that the safety of you and your baby always comes first. We work with the OB physicians and, should it become necessary, involve them in the birth process at any point.

  • Your Guide to Pregnancy
  • How does one determine if they should see a midwife or doctor?
  • What sets Group midwives apart?
  • Are midwives just for home births?
  • Can I see a midwife if I plan to use pain medications or an epidural in labor?
  • What is a midwife?
  • What can a midwife do?
  • If I choose a Group midwife, do I deliver at home?
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Midwifery Q&A

We asked Jenny Atzen, C.N.M. at The Group, what she finds to be the most rewarding part of her career as a midwife and if there is a birth or patient story she will always remember.

“The patients that I see now, that I delivered their baby eight years ago, that’s the part that I love the most! Not that delivering babies isn’t exciting, but when you see somebody eight years later that specifically wants to see you because you delivered their baby, that’s pretty cool.” 

She also gives a bit of advice for all those new mamas out there!

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Make A Birth Plan

A birth plan is an expression of your wishes for your birth including, pain relief, feeding, birth witnesses, etc. You may find it helpful to take the time to express your thoughts and desires regarding your upcoming birth ahead of time. Together, we can discuss it and share it with the hospital staff.

Please download and complete the Birth Preparation Form. Bring this along with you to your next appointment!

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Brittany Piersanti was excited, yet nervous, about the birth of her second child. She delivered her first child via C-section and was unsure if she would be required to have a repeat C-section or if she would be a good candidate for a vaginal delivery. After careful consideration, Dr. Aronson determined that Brittany was a great candidate for a VBAC since it had been over one year since her first pregnancy. Brittany welcomed her son via successful vaginal delivery (VBAC) in August 2019! 

The Group proudly supports VBACs and feels confident when determining if patients are good candidates. The Group also has a lot of support at Genesis for VBACs. An in-house anesthesiologist is on staff at all times. If you live in or around the Quad Cities and are curious if you are a good candidate for a VBAC, we recommend contacting our team of physicians and midwives at The Group!

We are ready and willing to assist you with questions about your care, so please do not hesitate to contact us at 563.355.1853

You may also find it helpful to use our online Resources or FAQs. Visit these pages to find definitions and descriptions of terms, procedures, diagnoses, tests, and other information intended to answer some basic questions you may have.

The Group Difference

We believe in collaboration at The Group and during your pregnancy journey, you have the choice of rotating providers for each pre-natal appointment to get to know each one. There will always be a designated Obstetrician and CNM on-call to deliver your baby.

We specialize in pre pregnancy planning, normal and high risk pregnancies, postpartum care and so much more!

Expert Care Icon Expert Care

We are the most experienced group of obstetricians and midwives in the Quad Cities. We are proud to offer unmatched and comprehensive services for all expectant mothers.

Delivery Icon Delivery

We specialize in pre-pregnancy planning, normal and high-risk pregnancies, postpartum care, and so much more! In addition, we offer VBACs (Vaginal Birth After C-section).

Anesthesiologist Icon Anesthesiologist

During labor and delivery there is a dedicated OB anesthesiologist dedicated to you. That means your care is top priority.

Hospital Icon Hospital

We deliver at Genesis East, the hospital with the highest level of neonatal care (NICU) in the Quad Cities.

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